February 22
To request furniture, contact the Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning office at 703-222-0880.
To donate furniture complete the form at https://accacares.org/furniture-donation-form/
We will gratefully review your kind donation and follow up with you if we can take you up on your offer, understanding if you need to make other arrangements. We hope to reach out to you within a week or two, but sometimes we are unable to quickly find a home for your items. If you have not heard back from us a few weeks after submitting this form, feel free to reach out to furniture@accacares.org
Please review the donation guidelines here. Many of the apartments are quite small so it is easier to accept items that will fit well in their new home.
Volunteers generally handle pick-ups and deliveries on two Saturdays each month between 8 am and noon. We set our schedule on a weekly basis, depending on the donations and requests we receive. Our furniture program is driven by and depends on volunteers.
To volunteer to help with this program, contact furniture@accacares.org.