The ACCA furniture ministry has worked for over 45 years to help provide local residents with safe and comfortable furnishings and household items. Over the past 23 years, ACCA’s furniture ministry has provided essential furniture and household items to more than 24,000 individuals through more than 12,000 deliveries! This important ministry makes an immediate impact on the quality of the lives of clients it serves. We deliver to families in a variety of situations including those who have relocated to this area from far and near as well as to those who may be transitioning from homelessness.
The coordinators of the program, Don and Mary Lee Dispirito, have coordinated this ministry for more than two decades. After receiving an offer of a donation, they schedule a pickup on an upcoming Saturday morning. As they receive requests from Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning, they schedule the deliveries and lead the volunteer teams assembled from the various ACCA churches in twice-monthly trips to pick up donations and deliver to families in need.
Can You Help?
Do you have unneeded furniture or household items? Check our list to see if we need it then contact
Would you like to help organize, pick-up, and deliver furniture to needy families? We work on Saturday mornings twice per month. Contact for more information.
We are also in need of more warehouse space, please contact if you can help.
This ministry is a coordinated community effort with support from the following:
The HomeAid Foundation (The Foundation for the Northern Virginia Building Industry Association) who helped renovate the warehouse in 2020. They provided a new roof, painted the outside of the building, removed the old chimney and re-vented the gas furnace.
The KEYS Foundation for the Homeless, which serves as a clearing house for donated furniture items from area hotels, universities, and retirement homes in the D.C. area.
Local churches who help provide additional storage space for large donations of furniture. Special thanks to Annandale United Methodist and United Baptist Churches for significant help.
Fairfax County Neighborhood Community Services Department (NCS) – Coordinated Service Planning (703-222-0880) who provides vetting of furniture requests and collaboration with other furniture operations through the Fairfax County Furniture Network.
Continued networking arrangements with other county furniture operations, enabling the sharing of supplies and maintaining a mix of most-needed furniture, including: SHARE in McLean, Committee Helping Others, and the Falls Church Community Service Council, Inc.
The Annandale Rotary Club continues to provide support for the high cost of diesel fuel for our diesel-powered truck.