Volunteers collect, store, and deliver donated furniture and other household items, free of charge, to needy families in the Annandale, Bailey’s Crossroads, and Culmore areas.
The furniture is stored in a building donated by Annandale United Methodist Church. ACCA receives requests for furniture through Fairfax County human services staff and specialized agencies, churches, and schools. ACCA churches and community volunteers take turns providing teams of volunteers to work at the warehouse located at 6935 Columbia Pike on Saturday mornings. Upcoming dates are listed on the Events Calendar.
See the ACCA furniture team in action.
Donating Furniture and Household Items
Three steps to donating your furniture/household items
- Review this list of what we can and cannot accept.
Furniture Items Needed and Acceptable
- Beds, mattresses, box springs (no King)
- Chest of drawers, dressers
- Coffee and End Tables (No glass tops)
- Dining & Kitchen Tables and Chairs (No glass tops or extra large/heavy)
- Bed Sheets, Blankets and Pillows
- Living Room Chairs (NO RECLINERS)
- Televisions – working digital TVs only, NO analog television sets.
- Sofas/Love Seats – “72” inches/6 feet or shorter (No sleep sofas or sectional or recliner types)
- Microwave Ovens that Work
- Lamps (Only floor and table top)
Not Needed
- Bed Frames/Headboards/Futons/Sleep Sofas
- Recliner Chairs
- Sectional Sofas or Very Large sofas (longer than “72” inches )
- Large Cabinets and Hutches, Bookcases, Credenzas
- Desks and Office Equipment, Computers
- Floor Model Television Sets
- Entertainment Centers, China Cabinets
- Baby Cribs and Mattresses and Baby Car Seats
- Bunk Beds and Captain Beds
- Large (beyond 8 x 10) or Wall-to-Wall Carpets
- Old Fashioned Bed Springs and all Bed Frames or Headboards
- Electric Heaters
- Large Appliances (No stoves, freezers or refrigerators)
- Drapes
- Glass Top Tables
- Pots, Pans, Dishes, Flatware, Coffee Makers, Toasters
2. Review this map which shows the area where ACCA can pick up your items. If you are out of the area, we can arrange for you to drop-off of some items by appointment, please contact furniture@accacares.org for more information.
Area served by ACCA
3. If you have an item on our list (above) and live in our area, please submit the form online. We look forward to hearing from you.
Volunteers are needed to assist with delivering furniture and also to pick up donations of household items from the community. Register now. We also need volunteers to communicate with volunteers by phone (in Spanish, English, and other languages), help with administrative tasks in the warehouse, and key in computer information (which volunteers can do from home using a program like Microsoft Word).
To participate in this program, either by donating furniture or by volunteering, contact furniture@accacares.org.