ACCA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Online Giving
Donate through SpurLocal (formerly the Catalogue for Philanthropy)
You can donate to ACCA online via the SpurLocal or PayPal.
SpurLocal (formerly the Catalogue for Philanthropy) processes donations using Stripe, which deducts a 2.2% servicing fee + $.30 per domestic transaction fee from each donation.
Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal which deducts a 2.2% servicing fee + $.30 per domestic transaction fee deducted from each donation.
Donate through Paypal
Donations by Check
You can donate directly to ACCA by check. Just make your check out to “ACCA, Inc.” and send it to:
ACCA, Inc.
Suite 300
7200 Columbia Pike
Annandale, VA 22003
General donations enable ACCA to spend your donation where it is needed most. If you wish ACCA to spend your donation to support a specific ACCA program or purpose, then just write the program name or purpose on the check’s subject line.
For more information on making financial contributions to ACCA, please email
Non-Cash, In-Kind Donations
ACCA accepts non-cash, in-kind donations of food, selected hygiene products, and furniture (click on these links for the latest guidelines). We do not accept or distribute clothes or medical supplies.
For more information about making non-cash, in-kind donations, please contact or call 703-256-0100.
Workplace Giving
ACCA participates in the Combined Federal Campaign and the United Way of the National Capital Area. When making a donation to the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), please use ACCA’s agency code #58934. When donating to the United Way of the National Capital Area, use agency code #8058.
ACCA is pleased to receive bequests. To learn more about this way of remembering ACCA in your will, visit this page or download our bequest giving brochure or email
When You Shop
Your Grocery Purchases Benefit the Child Development Center
Harris Teeter shoppers, you can make a donation to the ACCA Child Development Center (CDC) every time you shop by linking your VIC card to the CDC. Harris Teeter makes a donation to participating schools when you purchase participating Harris Teeter brand products.
To link your card (or update your selections), visit the site at Together in Education, or ask the cashier next time you are in the store. Use the enrollment code 8684 for the CDC.